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To remain competitive, SMEs seek to do more with less, while gaining agility and productivity. Information technology offers this edge.

Features to look for in an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for coaching institutes


With technological advancement, almost every industry is looking for an integrated & comprehensive solution implying that they want to get rid of multiple excel sheets to maintain database, keeping attendance register for students & staff and creating various groups over Whatsapp or some other platform to get the updates about batches, classes or interacting with the stakeholders.

Well, now-a-days there are multiple platforms or software for coaching institutes in India available to answer all the needs of the administration, teachers, students and parents.

As there are many options available in the market, it becomes imperative for coaching institute management to be attentive and aware of the decision that they are about to make. Keep in mind the below-mentioned points and important features while choosing an ERP solution for a coaching institute:

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Over the last decade, digitalization and technology has transformed the lives in a great manner. Of all the sectors, education is one of the most influenced ones by technological advancements. It has contributed to the improving quality of education in coaching institutes, schools and colleges.

During the early years of education, educational institutes used to manage education in the papers which was difficult to manage and organize and keep it safe. Moving towards technological advancement, it got simplified through excel sheets and spreadsheets. Though it was easier than keeping papers but it was tedious to maintain those sheets and applying the formulas right way. Scaling up the level, technology came up with an easier solution, i.e., education management software or ERP software. It unified and simplified the management process for the administration to handle day-to-day jobs, interaction between teachers, students and parents and created the cycles.

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Significance of ERP Solution for Coaching Institutes
Top Benefits of Digital Marketing and Why It’ Necessary for Every Business


There is no denying fact that with the evolution of technology, market place is becoming more digitally active. Digital marketing benefits can be seen or observed in our day-to-day lives. Number of online users is increasing day-by-day and hence, the online marketplace is expanding exponentially. As per a report of Forbes, 82% consumers research online before buying and in another report of Tech Crunch, 79% consumers shop online.

So, how do you target these consumers researching and buying online? Well, the answer is digital marketing.

Everyday new businesses are jumping in to digital marketing to tap their audience online. Digital marketing business in US is likely to rise to $332 billion by the year 2021. Hence, digital marketing tactics has emerged as the most cost-effective way to target potential customers.

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